Green and Flowers in the Arizona Desert?!?!
Spring in Arizona y'all!!! This is why we live here!
Would you believe me if I told you that these flowers are located RIGHT HERE, in the East Valley?!
We see plenty of flowers up in Northern AZ but down here in the valley they are hard to find - but not last spring photo season - and not if you have the right photographer;) With all of the heavy wild fires over the last year and crazy rain, spring time was the prettiest it's ever been down here in the valley. Crossing my fingers and toes that this upcoming spring gives way to even prettier flowers than the last.
Mackenzie was absolutely determined to have her senior pictures taken "in the middle of no where" with tons of flowers involved... I'd say we nailed it. I'm so glad I was able to find Mackenzie her dream location and adventure around the desert with her and her momma for her senior pictures!
Check out more photos from Mackenzie's Wildflower Senior Session below!